Camp Ramaquois Manual for Staff Website

There is a lot of information in this guide. You might find the table of contents or the keyword search useful to jump to the areas that interest you. We've tried to keep the text as simple and straightforward as possible. In an effort to do so, many details are not included. If you have a specific question, and you can't find a detailed answer here, please give us a call at 845.354.1600.

Table of Contents

1 Pre-Camp Checklist
2 Specialty Ordering
3 About

Pre-Camp Checklist

To Do Before Camp

Before the first day of camp, there are a few steps that every staff member must complete. The list below will help you prepare for camp, and will help Ramaquois comply with state and county regulations.This well help us prepare for you to have the most successful summer possible.

  • Attend staff orientations on Sunday, June 9th and Saturday, June 22nd (8:30 AM - 4:00 PM). Bus counselors stay until 5:00 PM on June 22nd.
  • Sign all electronic contracts and paperwork
  • Print, complete, and return financial paperwork (I-9, W-4, IT-2014)
  • Submit a staff medical form (required!)
  • Register your license plate if you are driving to camp
  • Read the Staff Manual
  • Join the Ramaquois Facebook group by searching for Camp Ramaquois Staff 2024

    Last Update: 12/30/23 | Back to Top

    Specialty Ordering

    Overview of the Specialty Ordering Process

    Congratulations! You are a specialty head at Camp Ramaquois! This means that you get to create a curriculum for your specialty area. Here's what you need to do:

    1. If this is your first year as a specialty head, you will want to speak to your specialty leader about the ordering process. Your specialty leader can explain all of the details about the camp day, developing a curriculum of projects, and the ordering process.
    2. Look at your Project Summary. This will tell you how many times each division will be visiting your area during the summer. You'll need one 'project' for each time that division visits your area.
    3. In the Project Summary, you may see things like option, rain/heat, interactive nights, etc... These are events that also need projects.
    4. Next, you'll want to decide what projects to offer, and which divisions are doing each project. A project can be available for more than one division, but keep in mind that many of our campers return each year, and they don't want to do the same projects year after year.
    5. Once you know what projects you want to offer, you can create them in the staff website. If the project was offered last year, you can simply copy it from last year to this year.
    6. The American Camp Association requires that projects have lesson plans. This is why you have to enter details about the project into the staff website. We must demonstrate that we are providing age appropriate opportunities for growth to campers. Please describe your lesson plan in as much detail as possible for each project.
    7. When a project is created, you can select which division(s) will be doing that project. The website will give you an estimate of how many campers you need to order for. Please note that these estimates are already slightly inflated. There is no need to further inflate these numbers.
    8. Once your project is created, you can add order requests for that project. Select your vendor, the item number, add a description, how many you need, and a link to the item! Please keep in mind that every order request must be tied to a project. Specialty heads can't request an item unless it is for a specific project.
    9. Sometimes, specialty heads need to order 'General Supplies' that aren't tied to a specific project. Some examples of these are paint, scissors, glue, etc... When you request items like this, you can put them under the 'General Supplies' project.
    10. If you find it cumbersome to add your orders through the website, you can create a .CSV file with all of your orders listed. There is an import function that allows you to upload this file.

    Last Update: 12/29/23 | Back to Top

    How Do I Create a Project?

    In order to create a new project,:

  • Go to the Specialty Ordering page
  • Click on 'Create a New Project for This Year'
  • A box will slide up from the bottom of the screen
  • Fill out the fields and click 'Add Project'
  • The project will be created, and you will be taken to page where you can enter more details about the project
  • On this detailed project page, you can select which divisions are doing the project, you can add images, links, files, and videos. You can also place order requests from this page

    Last Update: 12/29/23 | Back to Top

    How Do I Add an Order Request?

    To add an order request, take the following steps:

  • Visit the specialty ordering page
  • Click 'Place a New Order Request'
  • A window will slide up from the bottom of the page
  • Fill out the fields. You will need to select a project. If the project isn't listed, you should first create the project
  • Item number, description, quantity, inventory, and URL are all important fields to fill out. There may be instances when you don't have a URL for the item. That is OK
  • When ordering, please check the inventory for your specialty area. There may be items in inventory that you do not have to order
  • When you have filled out the form, click 'Add Item'
  • At this point, your order request has been added, but it has not yet been submitted to the Purchasing Director. This gives you an opportunity to adjust your orders before they are actually purchased

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    What is a Project Summary?

    A project summary is a quick way for a specialty head to see what projects each division is scheduled to create. At the completion of the pre-camp ordering process, each division should have the correct number of projects listed on the project summary page. You can find a link to the project summary on the Specialty Ordering web page on the Ramaquois staff website.

    Last Update: 12/29/23 | Back to Top

    What is the 'General Supplies' Project?

    By default, every activity area has a project called 'General Supplies.' The purpose of this project is to give the specialty head a place to order things that are used in multiple projects. If you need to order something that is used in multiple projects, it is likely that it can be placed in the 'General Supplies' project.

    Some examples of order requests that should be placed in 'General Supplies' include paint, markers, glue, scissors, sand paper, construction paper, etc..

    When specialty heads place these types of items in the 'General Supplies' project, it helps the Ramaquois Purchasing Leader order more quickly and efficiently.

    Last Update: 12/29/23 | Back to Top

    What Happens When an Order Request is Submitted?

    When a specialty head adds an order request (or imports order requests), by default they are not submitted to the Purchasing Leader. The logic behind this is that a specialty head my adjust their projects or orders over the course of a few days or weeks. If an order is added and automatically submitted, it may result in the Purchasing Leader ordering the wrong thing.

    So once you, as a specialty head, are sure that you want an order to be purchased, you can go to the list of order requests, click on the order, and click 'Save Changes and Submit for Ordering.' This will alert the Purchasing Leader that your order request is finalized and can be purchased. At this point, you can no longer modify the order request.

    Last Update: 12/29/23 | Back to Top

    How Do I Know How Many Items to Order?

    In order for you, as a specialty head, to determine how many items to order, you need to know how many campers are expected to do the project in question. Here's how to find that out:

  • Go to the list of projects
  • Click on the project in question
  • Scroll down to the section where you can choose which divisions are slated to work on that project
  • Once you check or uncheck boxes, the number above the division list will change
  • That is how you know how many campers are slated to work on that project!

    Last Update: 12/29/23 | Back to Top

    How Do I Import Order Requests?

    Some specialty heads may find it easier to create their order requets in a spreadsheet. If this is easier for you, that's great! There is a way to import orders via a .CSV file. (Excel, Numbers, and Google Sheets all have the ability to save a spreadsheet as a .CSV file) Here is some important information about importing your order requests.

  • Before you import order requests, you must create all related projects in the specialty ordering section of the staff website. Order requests must be tied to a project
  • There is a template of what the spreadsheet should look like on the import page in the specialty ordering section
  • Project and vendor names must match exactly, otherwise the import will display an error message
  • If there are any errors in the document, nothing will be imported. The import utility will display the errors. Specialty heads should then correct the errors and try uploading again
  • By default, order requests that are imported are NOT yet submitted for purchase. Please manually submit orders for purchase once you are finalized

    Last Update: 12/29/23 | Back to Top

    Can I Copy a Project from Last Year to this Year?

    Yes, you can! Here's how to do it:

  • Go to the main specialty ordering web page in the staff website
  • View projects from a previous year
  • Select the appropriate year (likely last year, but it doesn't have to be)
  • Find the project you want to copy and click 'Copy to this year'
  • Please note that any associated order requests will not automatically be copied

    Last Update: 12/29/23 | Back to Top

    Can I Copy an Order Request from Last Year to this Year?

    Yes. A specialty head can copy an order request from a previous year to this year. Here's how you do it:

  • In order to copy an order request, the project from the previous year must have already been copied to the current year
  • Find the project in question by going to the project list link on the main specialty ordering page
  • Scroll down to order requests from previous years
  • Find the order request you wish to copy
  • Click on the order request, and then click 'Copy'
  • Please note that you will likely have to edit the order and adjust the quantity, number in inventory, and perhaps the item number (many vendors change item numbers every year)

    Last Update: 12/29/23 | Back to Top

    Why Do Specialists Have to Create Projects? Why Can't Specialists Just Order Supplies?

    The ordering process may seem cumbersome. Why can't specialty heads just purchase items with a camp credit card? Why can't specialty heads just email orders? Why do we have to create projects and attach order requests to the specific projects?

    These are all valid questions. And at times, it may seem frustrating. There is a logic behind all of this. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • The American Camp Association requires detailed lesson plans for specialty areas. So in order to be in compliance, specialty heads must create projects and associated lesson plans. These lesson plans should demonstrate age appropriate skill development for campers
  • Order requests are tied to projects for a few reasons. Firstly, this greatly reduces the amount of extraneous orders, which allows Ramaquois to produce higher quality projects, in general. Secondly, it helps the Purchasing Leader keep things organized - this is especially important when it comes to ordering 'General Supplies'
  • Additionally, keeping all projects and order requests in our staff website database allows us to keep track of all the projects Ramaquois has done in the past. This means that we don't have to reinvent the wheel each year. Plus, when new specialty heads are hired, they have a library of projects to use for inspiration

    Last Update: 12/29/23 | Back to Top

    What are Preferred Vendors? What if a Vendor is Not Listed?

    Preferred vendors are companies from which Ramaquois has ordered before, and are known to be reputable and reliable. Oftentimes, they provide discounts for Ramaquois.

    Please keep in mind that very often has higher prices than other vendors. In most cases, an item you find on Amazon can be found for less money from a different website.

    If you would like a new vendor to be added to the list of preferred vendors, please contact the Purchasing Director via phone or email. Alternatively, you can email your request to

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    I Need Help!

    As a specialty head, you may need help coming up with projects and order requests. This is especially true if you are a first year specialty head. You may be unsure of what types of projects to create, how much you should spend per project, how long a project will take the campers to complete, and many more questions! Your specialty leader is the first person you should speak with. Specialty leaders have experience developing projects at Ramaquois. Their job is to help you! Please reach out to them as soon as you have a question.

    Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength, not a sign of weakness!

    Last Update: 12/29/23 | Back to Top


    Staff Website Overview

    The Staff Website is designed specifically for Camp Ramaquois staff members. This website is where you can go before camp to sign contracts, download forms, and get important information about the best summer job ever!

    Specialty heads can also use the Ramaquois Staff Website to place order requests and create lesson plans for projects before the summer starts.

    The staff website is also the place to go to find important information in June. You'll be able to see documents in an 'electronic binder.' This might include schedules, dining hall and bunk layouts, specialty and admin assignments, and more! This website also has great video resources for becoming a better staff member. We hope you'll take advantage of these resources!

    During the summer, the staff website has timely information. You can see the daily Rama-News which has highlights and announcements of the day and week ahead. You'll also be able to see photos and videos from our wonderful media team!

    Last Update: 12/29/23 | Back to Top

    What is Available on What is Not Available?

    The Ramaquois Staff Website at has tons of great resources for hired staff. So if you're looking to fill out the staff application to apply to work at Ramaquois, you haven't yet been hired. Head on over to to fill out the staff application.

    The Ramaquois Staff website is your place to:

  • Sign contracts and download important staff documents
  • Register your license plate, if you drive to camp
  • Look at documents in your 'Electronic Binder'
  • View photos and videos
  • Read the daily Rama-News
  • Create a curriculum and order items (specialty heads only)

    Last Update: 12/29/23 | Back to Top

    Is also an App? Can I Install this Website on my Phone? is a Progressive Web App (PWA). A PWA is a type of application that is delivered through the web, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's intended to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser, including both desktop and mobile devices.

    Unlike traditional mobile apps, which you download from an app store like Google Play or Apple's App Store, PWAs are accessed through a web browser. This means you don't need to install them from an app store – they can be run directly from a website. However, one of the neat features of PWAs is that they can be added to your home screen just like a regular app, and they can function offline or on low-quality networks, much like a native app on your phone.

    Installing a PWA on an iPhone:

  • Open Safari Browser: First, open the Safari browser on your iPhone and navigate to the website of the PWA you want to install.
  • Use the Share Button: At the bottom of the Safari browser, there's a share button (it looks like a square with an arrow pointing up). Tap on this button.
  • Add to Home Screen: In the share options, scroll down until you see an option that says "Add to Home Screen" and tap on it.
  • Name and Add: You will then be prompted to name the app (it usually fills in the website's name). After naming, tap "Add" at the top right corner of the screen.
  • Find the App on Your Home Screen: The PWA will now appear as an icon on your home screen, just like any other app.
    Installing a PWA on an Android Phone:
  • Open Chrome Browser: On your Android device, open the Chrome browser and go to the website of the PWA you want to install.
  • Tap on Menu: Look for the menu icon (three dots in the upper right corner of the browser) and tap on it.
  • Install: There should be an option that says "Install". Tap on this.
  • Name and Add: You'll be prompted to name the app (it usually autofills the website's name). After naming it, tap "Add".
  • Access from Home Screen: The icon of the PWA will now appear on your home screen, and you can use it like a regular app.

    The beauty of PWAs is that they combine the best of the web and the best of apps. They're typically quicker and easier to build than traditional mobile apps, take up less space on your device, and don't need to go through the process of being submitted to an app store for approval.

    Last Update: 12/30/23 | Back to Top

    Job Descriptions

    Where can I find the detailed job description for ?

    The detailed job description for is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Aerial Adventure Counselor?

    The detailed job description for Aerial Adventure Counselor is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Archery Head?

    The detailed job description for Archery Head is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Climbing Wall Counselor?

    The detailed job description for Climbing Wall Counselor is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Exploration Challenge Counselor?

    The detailed job description for Exploration Challenge Counselor is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Flying Squirrel Counselor?

    The detailed job description for Flying Squirrel Counselor is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Flying Squirrel Head?

    The detailed job description for Flying Squirrel Head is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Parkour Counselor?

    The detailed job description for Parkour Counselor is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Ropes Counselor?

    The detailed job description for Ropes Counselor is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Zip Line Counselor?

    The detailed job description for Zip Line Counselor is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Arts and Crafts Counselor?

    The detailed job description for Arts and Crafts Counselor is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Basketball Specialist?

    The detailed job description for Basketball Specialist is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Field Specialist?

    The detailed job description for Field Specialist is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Gymnastics Counselor?

    The detailed job description for Gymnastics Counselor is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Specialty Leader?

    The detailed job description for Specialty Leader is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Lifeguard (waterfront, watercraft)?

    The detailed job description for Lifeguard (waterfront, watercraft) is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Maintenance?

    The detailed job description for Maintenance is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Nurse?

    The detailed job description for Nurse is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Allergy Coordinator?

    The detailed job description for Allergy Coordinator is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Office Assistant?

    The detailed job description for Office Assistant is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Attendance Team?

    The detailed job description for Attendance Team is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Bookkeeper?

    The detailed job description for Bookkeeper is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Bus Coordinator?

    The detailed job description for Bus Coordinator is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Media Team Counselor?

    The detailed job description for Media Team Counselor is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Parent Communications Assistant?

    The detailed job description for Parent Communications Assistant is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Transportation Administrator?

    The detailed job description for Transportation Administrator is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Trips Department Head?

    The detailed job description for Trips Department Head is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Division Leader?

    The detailed job description for Division Leader is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Group Counselor?

    The detailed job description for Group Counselor is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Floater?

    The detailed job description for Floater is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Senior Counselor?

    The detailed job description for Senior Counselor is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Group Leader?

    The detailed job description for Group Leader is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Side Director?

    The detailed job description for Side Director is located at

    Where can I find the detailed job description for Waitstaff?

    The detailed job description for Waitstaff is located at

    Staff Resources

    There is a resource called Jeffrey Leiken - Four Archetypes of Modern Manhood. The link/url for Jeffrey Leiken - Four Archetypes of Modern Manhood is at
    There is a resource called Common Front Crawl Mistakes. The link/url for Common Front Crawl Mistakes is at Here is a description of Common Front Crawl Mistakes: A recap of some common mistakes that swimmers make while doing the front crawl. There is a great recap at the end.
    There is a resource called From Oak Crest: I wish my counselor.... The link/url for From Oak Crest: I wish my counselor... is at Here is a description of From Oak Crest: I wish my counselor...: A short video of campers and their expectations of their camp counselors. Very insightful, indeed!
    There is a resource called 8 Ways to Praise Children Part 1. The link/url for 8 Ways to Praise Children Part 1 is at
    There is a resource called 8 Ways to Praise Children Part 2. The link/url for 8 Ways to Praise Children Part 2 is at
    There is a resource called How Not to Talk to Your Kids. The link/url for How Not to Talk to Your Kids is at Here is a description of How Not to Talk to Your Kids: A great article about how the wrong kind of praises can have adverse effects on children.
    There is a resource called Why Praise can be Bad for Kids. The link/url for Why Praise can be Bad for Kids is at
    There is a resource called Summer camp makes kids resilient. The link/url for Summer camp makes kids resilient is at Here is a description of Summer camp makes kids resilient: Great article about the value of camp for children!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Camp is CLOSED on Friday, July 4th... so everyone has a long weekend! Happy Independence Day!

    Parents are encouraged to tip counselors, bus counselors and swim instructors. Not all campers' parents will tip, and in no way should this affect the attitude of the counselor toward the campers. Discussion of tipping should not be done in front of campers or during the camp day.

    Tips are at a parent's discretion. At no time is a counselor to solicit a tip or chastise a child for lack of gratuity. Tips should be considered a thank you above and beyond your salary.

    Yes. A regulation from the Department of Health is that all staff members must submit a medical form, including vaccination records (or evidence of immunization). You can download the medical form from the staff website.

    The staff parking lot is located at the rear entrance of camp. When driving to camp on camp days, use 19 Ladentown Road for GPS purposes. There will be staff members there to direct you where to park. If you are driving to camp, you must register your license plate. Please do so at

    Trailblazers Trip Program: All group counselors having campers entering 3rd grade and up are eligible to go on trips. We expect counselors to be available if selected to supervise the trip. Please see the Important Dates and Events or Camp Calendar for this year's trip dates.

    Yes, we can arrange transportation! Please be sure to speak with your division leader and/or the transportation department and they will make the proper arrangements.

    Upper camp groups (Varsity, Senior Varsity, Sorority, and CAP Girls on Girls’ Side; Grenadiers, Super Grenadiers, Seniors, and CAP Boys on Boys’ Side) are not included in the interactive nights. Instead, staff members with those groups are expected to attend and work at the following two events:

    • Teen Late Night
    • Bunt & Steal Championship Night (for boys’ groups)
    • SNAPS Night (for girls’ groups)

    Check the camp calendar or important dates to find out when these events are scheduled.

    If you’re riding a bus to/from camp, then you’ll get picked up and dropped off at home when our transportation department tells you.  However, if you’re driving to/from camp, you’re expected to start your work day at 8:30am (so arrive earlier than that), and you’ll be dismissed after ALL the buses have left the grounds, usually no later than 4:15pm.  Please plan accordingly.

    Each staff member needs to complete an  I-9 and W-4. These are available for download at

    All counselors are required to wear a staff shirt daily. Camp Ramaquois will provide each staff member with two camp shirts. Additional shirts can be purchased at a nominal cost. If you do not come to camp with a proper staff T-Shirt, the camp will provide one for you at a nominal cost. In no way may you redesign the staff shirts.

    Sneakers and sweat socks are to be worn at all times by staff members unless they are in the pool area. Platform shoes and sandals are not permitted. They are safety hazards for the wearer as cuts by glass or nails can cause serious consequences. Furthermore, they are extremely limiting to him/her while attempting to instruct or demonstrate athletic techniques. Keep a sweatshirt or light jacket in camp for cool and rainy days.

    All group counselors are expected to stay for the two (2) interactive nights, and specialty staff members are expected to stay for four (4) interactive nights. Interactive Parent Visiting Nights run until 7:15pm, so staff members should plan to remain until that time. Please see the Important Dates or Camp Calendar section of this website for Interactive Night dates.

    June 10th, 2023 - All Ramaquois Staff - 8:30am - 4:00pm

    June 17th, 2023 - All Ramaquois Staff - 8:30am - 4:00pm (5:00pm for All Bus Counselors)

    Paychecks will be distributed every two weeks. Any extra duty stipends, such as bus counselor salary (among others), and bonuses will be paid in full on the final paycheck.

    Staff parking is located in the back entrance of Camp Ramaquois. Please note that parking facilities are limited. Parking is not permitted on the streets surrounding Camp Ramaquois. Please try to arrange car pools if possible.

    Please call the office (845-354-1600) as soon as you know you are not well enough to supervise children.